Report an Incident
Students and employees have several reporting options if they may have experienced Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, Retaliation, or Discrimination or Harassment based on
Age, Disability, Gender, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Genetic Information, Marital Status, Medical Condition, Nationality, Pregnancy or related conditions, Race or Ethnicity (including color, caste, or ancestry), Religion or Religious Creed, Sex (including Sex Stereotyping or Sex Characteristics), Sexual Orientation, and Veteran or Military Status.
CSUF's Office for Civil Rights and Equity is here to help. Any p
erson considering reporting an alleged violation of the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy
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should discuss any concerns about their safety or the safety of others with the Title IX Coordinator/DHR Administrator.
Responsible Employees have a duty to report to the Office for Civil Rights and Equity when they know or have reason to know of allegations or acts that may violate the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy, including Discrimination and Harassment based on a Protected Status, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating or Domestic Violence, Stalking, or related Retaliation.
Report an Incident
Confidential Emotional Support
Confidential emotional support is available both on and off campus. Learn more about additional support resources available.
Campus Confidential Advocates are available at CSUF to support individuals who have experienced Sexual Misconduct, Dating or Domestic Violence, and/or Stalking. Advocacy services include:
- Emotional support
- Crisis intervention and safety planning
- Education and consultation about administrative rights, legal rights, and reporting options
- Accompaniment to medical exams, law enforcement interviews, administrative meetings, court hearings, and other appointments or processes both on and off campus
- Support in seeking academic accommodations and other supportive measures such as housing or basic needs
- Referrals to on-campus and community-based resources for ongoing support, aftercare, and fulfillment of basic needs
The Campus Confidential Advocates can be contacted Monday - Wednesday and Friday from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, and Thursday from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm in Student Wellness SHCC-West. They can also be reached at (657) 278-3220 and
Human Options
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Human Options provides shelter, housing, legal advocacy, and counseling for those impacted by dating or domestic violence. For 24-hour emergency shelter services, call (877) 854-3594. For other inquiries, call (949) 259-0335 or email
Laura's House
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Laura’s House provides 24-hour services for Domestic Violence-related issues, including emergency shelter, transitional housing, counseling, therapeutic groups and workshops, and legal advocacy. Call (866) 498-1151 or text “HEART” to (949) 484-8440 to chat with an advocate online.
Radiant Futures
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Radiant Futures builds a safer community by providing crisis support, services for all survivors, and education to prevent domestic violence and trafficking. 24-hour support is available at (877) 531-5522 or by email at
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Waymakers provides 24-hour resources, including rape crisis support, human trafficking support, and prevention education. Call (949) 250-0488 or email
Medical Attention
You have the right to seek needed medical care to address any injury or physcial health concern that results from an incident of Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, or Stalking. You have the right to medical exams to check for sexually transmitted infections or pregnancy.
Both students and employees have several options when seeking medical care. If needed, the Campus Confidential Advocates in TitanTHRIVE can help you find an appropriate medical provider.
Students may meet with a physician in TitanMED in SHCC-West if they have experienced Sexual Misconduct or other physical harm. Medical providers in TitanMED will ensure students receive appropriate medical care. Prophylactic treatment for possible STIs and options for pregnancy testing and other care are available. TitanMED can connect students to other resources both on and off campus.
To make an appointment at TitanMED, visit the Titan Health Portal or call 657-278-2800.
Anaheim Regional Medical Center
Anaheim Regional Medical Center has the only sexual assault examination unit in Orange County. See more information under the "Evidence Collection" tab.
1111 W La Palma Ave. Anaheim, CA 92901
Kaiser Permanente - Anaheim Medical Center
3440 E La Palma Ave. Building 1, Anaheim, CA 92806
St. Jude Medical Center Emergency Services
101 E Valencia Mesa Dr. Fullerton, CA 92835
UCI Health - Placentia Linda
1301 N Rose Dr. Placentia, CA 92870
Evidence Collection
Anaheim Regional Medical Center
Next to the Emergency Department at Anaheim Regional Medical Center (AHMC) is the Safe Place, a sexual assault examination unit. In order to visit the Safe Place, individuals must be assessed by the medical staff in the Emergency Department to ensure that medical emergencies are addressed. After that, patients have a few options at the Safe Place at Anaheim Regional, including accessing a forensic exam or other medical check-up. A forensic exam is a trauma-informed medical examination conducted by a certified forensic nurse to collect evidence from a sexual assault.
AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center has the only Safe Place in Orange County. Every other emergency department and medical center in Orange County refers their patients to the AHMC Safe Place once they have been medically evaluated. Patients who are seeking a forensic medical exam or similar care are encouraged to go directly to AHMC:
1111 W La Palma Ave. Anaheim, CA 92901
Other Types of Evidence
Consider keeping track of other kinds of evidence, such as:
- Pictures and videos from doorbell cameras, surveillance cameras, and social media posts
- The names of people who may have witnessed the incident or heard about the incident
- Any messages or communication with involved parties, including voicemails, texts, emails, and social media messages
- Information or documentation about or photos of injuries
- Receipts indicating location and activities
Preserving Evidence
In the event that you decide to report either directly after an incident or some time later, it is always a good idea to preserve all physical evidence, such as clothing, bedding, or photos of injuries, as well as digital evidence, such as text messages, instant or direct messages, social networking pages or posts, and/or photos.
You have the right under state and federal law to receive a medical evidentiary examination anonymously and at no cost. If you choose not to report to law enforcement, you still have a right to a forensic exam, sometimes referred to as a VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) exam. Anyone of any gender identity can receive a VAWA exam. Evidence from a VAWA exam is collected and preserved for up to two years.
If you visit a medical facility solely for the purpose of requesting a forensic exam, law enforcement will be notified, but you have the right to not participate or agree to participate in a criminal justice process, either prior to the examination or at any other time.
While some forms of misconduct prohibited by the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy may also be prohibited by law, you have the right to choose whether to report an incident as a crime or to decline to report an incident to law enforcement. You have the right to not be forced, coerced, or pressured into reporting to law enforcement. You also have the right to report to law enforement at any time.
Law Enforcement
CSUF Police Department
1350 N. State College Blvd, Fullerton, CA 92831
Fullerton Police Department
237 W Commonwealth Ave, Fullerton, CA 92832
Placentia Police Department
401 E Chapman Ave, Placentia, CA 92870